As he's slumped against the wall trying to clean his shirt off with wet paper towels, another guy walks in the bathroom.
The drunk says to the other guy in a slurred voice, "Man my wife is going to be really mad!"
The other guy says to the drunk, "Listen, what you need to do is put a twenty dollar bill in your shirt pocket. When you go home tell your wife that some drunk puked on you and gave you the twenty to pay for the dry cleaning bill."
The drunk says, "Say! Thats a great idea! Thanks!"
The drunk finishes wiping the puke off his shirt and puts a twenty in his top pocket. Feeling a little better, the man leaves the bathroom and has a couple more drinks.
Later that night the drunk staggers in the door to find his wife waiting for him.
As she starts yelling at him, "Look at you! You're a reck! How many times have I told you not to go out and get drunk? Who is going to clean your shirt?"
"Look babe, you got it all wrong. This guy at the bar, he pukes all over me and he gives me twenty bucks to pay for the dry cleaning bill," the drunk says to her while pointing at his top pocket.
"Oh really?" she says, "Then what is the other twenty for?"
"Oh, that's from the other man that shit in my pants!"
Sent by Mark M.